Dept: MASS COMMUNICATION File: Word(doc) Chapters: 1-5 Views: 4


The study was designed to examine employee communication and the motivation of staff of Novena University, Ogume, Delta State. The study was designed to determine the extent to which Novena University communicates with its staff; ascertain the employee communication strategies adopted by the University and to find out the influence of employee communication on the motivation of the employees. The study was anchored on interactional view theory and relationship management theory. The researcher adopted survey research, while questionnaire was adopted as the instrument of data collection. Findings showed that the University recognizes the need for employee communication. Findings also showed that most of the respondents were not too satisfied with the level of employee communication in Novena University. Findings further showed that employee communication has positive influence on the motivation of staff. More so, findings showed that if the management communicates with its employees re



1.1.      Background to the Study

            The relentless attempts by organisations to invest in their employees welfare is geared at maximising their inputs and ultimately the outcome of the organisation. Due to this, the need to show commitment to employee welfare is to create in them an ideal perception of the organisation’s support for them (Saltson and Nsiah, 2015, cited in Asemah 2015). Thus, all organisations are concerned with what should be done to achieve sustained high levels of performance through people, consequently the subject of adequate incentives for workers, as derived from the so many attempts made by management practitioners is to look for the best way to manage so as to accomplish an objective or mission with the least inputs of materials and human resources available (McForson, 2012, cited in Asemah 2015).                         

            One of the most pressing issues facing most organisations today is the need to raise employee’s productivity.  There is a widespread believe that productivity improvement can only be achieved through a fundamental reform in the area of employee relationship. Changes are thought to be necessary both in the organisation and structure of work and in the way in which employees are trained, remunerated and motivated. Strong employee relations are required for high productivity and human satisfaction.                                                                     Maintaining healthy employee relations in an organisation is a prerequisite for organisational success. Strong employee relations is, therefore, required for high productivity and human satisfaction. Employee relations generally deal with avoiding and resolving issues concerning individuals which might arise out of or influence the work scenario. Strong employee relationship depends upon healthy and safe work environment, involvement and commitment of all employees, incentive for employee motivation and effective communication system in the organisation. Healthy employee relations lead to more efficient, motivated and productive employee which further leads to increase in production at all level.

            Building employee relations is the best way to close the employee productivity gap. it also promote the personal effectiveness of the productivity of the manager as well because when the manager take time  to develop good relationship with employees in their work, he is better able to produce more quality work through their effort with less need to perform serious task. Only through good relationship combined with a sensitive leader can a cohesive organisation be built. These activities include promotion, transfer, demotion, resignation, discharge, lay off and retirement, disciplinary actions are also crucial aspect of internal employee relations (Monday and Noe, 2006).                                                                  Communicating openly with employees is a reliable way to motivate them and improve office morale. By allowing employees to determine the boundaries of communication give them a sense of power, belonging, camaraderie and responsibility that are crucial to fostering a sense of motivation. When the lines of communication are open and employees feel comfortable with your relationship, their motivation improves (Ryan, 2014). Martin (2014) argues that one of the key objectives that should feature in any business and organizational plan is motivation of one’s employees. It goes without saying that a motivated workforce is a more creative and productive one. Innovation is necessary to produce quality work. Only driven employees would put in the effort to find better methods to deliver quality output in the most efficient manner possible. The more engaged and motivated your employees are, the more it helps with reducing turnover. Those who frequently look out for better opportunities may be the ones with great potential while the ones who stay on could be just settling for their circumstances.                                                                                                    There is no set up, institution, company or an organization working towards achieving goals and objectives that exist without communication. The importance of management communication between its internal publics and external publics cannot be eradicated. Kerth (2002, p. 23), cited in Oladeji (2015) notes that effective communication is a building block of successful organization, in other words, communication act as organizational blood. Communication promotes motivation, by informing and clarifying the employees about the task to be done, the manner they are performing the task, and how to improve their performance if it is not up to the mark. Hubels and Weaver cited in Asemah (2011, p. 5) says communication is seen as any process in which people share information, ideas and feelings; it involves the spoken words, body language, personal mannerism and styles the surrounding, anything that adds meaning to message. This implies that communication is only effective when understandable codes and symbols are used to transmit information.          According to Robbins (2001, p. 56), “if we want employees to do something different than they have been doing in the past, effective communication must be conveyed.”                                                       Simon (2000, p. 2), cited in Oladeji (2015) observed that without communication, there can be no management; for there is no possibility of the group influencing the behaviour of individual, If communication is not used, staff of any organization will not have any sense of directions Good staff communication is essential to organizational success. At the basic level, employees who don’t know what is expected of them seldom perform to the potential. In the same line Watson (2004, p. 12), cited in Oladeji (2015) opines companies that communicate effectively are far more likely than the companies that don’t communicate, to report high levels of employee engagement and lower levels of turnover.”  Therefore, communication is the life wire of every modern management. It is in line with this that the researcher investigates the relationship between employee communication and motivation of staff of Novena University, Ogume, Delta State, Nigeria.

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