Home Project-material Literature Review On The Effect Of Digital Devices On Tear Secretion And Tear Stability.

Literature Review On The Effect Of Digital Devices On Tear Secretion And Tear Stability.

Dept: BIOCHEMISTRY File: Word(doc) Chapters: 1-5 Views:




  • Background of the Study

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) is characterized by visual symptoms which result from interaction with computer display or work environment. In most cases, symptoms occur because the visual demands of the task exceed the visual abilities of the individual to comfortably perform the task, the visual problems occur frequently among users of digital devices. Vision problems are pervasive among computer operators and are the source of operator discomfort and decrease work performance. There appears to be a communication gap regarding the nature and extent of vision problems related to users of digital devices. The vision experienced by users of digital devices is varied and are difficult to grasp and understand by those who do not specialize in vision.

The awareness of tear film stability and its effects on the public’s health will aid in proper management and prevention which most definitely will foster economic growth. The economic significance of this is that, users of digital devices will have increase in service productivity as a result of the preventive measure taken against tear film instability. It is therefore against this background that the vast majority of digital devices users have eye symptoms and thus seek eye examinations in order to improve upon their work output and achieve a more comfortable work environment. In addition, there is a large percentage of the prevalence of ocular symptoms in computer users, forming the bulk of computer vision syndrome.

Worth mentioning is the fact that, previous researches have affirmed that there is the association of physiological dysfunction with the use of the computer technology. Hence, for the everyday users of digital devices, the presence and indeed prevalence of tear film instability is not farfetched. Treatment and management of tear film instability involves management of dry eye syndrome alongside other complications of the condition.

The eye should be protected with adequate eye wears in cases not revealing adverse symptomatic conditions. Glasses and low aids are also indicated in cases of refractive errors and low vision. Consequently, presbyopia (an eye condition prevalent in the elderly) should be managed adequately with bifocals and single vision in non-presbyopes as the case may imply. Some other simple practices that can reduce, or even prevent the effects of computer vision syndrome are; Making sure the lighting in the room is comfortable on the eyes to prevent you from staring into glare on the computer screen, positioning the computer screen so that your head is in a naturally comfortable position while working, taking breaks that is looking away from the computer for a few minutes can go a long way when it comes to the eyes. Also, making sure your seat is comfortable. A comfortable chair with support for the neck and back will help the operator avoid neck and shoulder strain commonly associated with computer vision syndrome.

The Precorneal Tear Film

This is the liquid layer bathing the cornea and conjunctiva. It creates a perfectly smooth liquid outer layer that polishes the corneal surface, mechanically traps and flushes out foreign bodies and chemicals, contains bacterio-static substances that inhibit the growth of microorganisms and reduces the surface friction associated with blinking and eye movement.

The tear film itself serves as the anterior refracting surface of the eye in conjunction with the corneal epithelial membrane which it baths (i.e. the anterior corneal surface), providing the first interface between air and liquid medium. It also plays a role in maintaining hydration of the cornea by means of changes in the toxicity of the tear film secondary to the evaporation of the tear layer.

The tear film also serves as the primary source of oxygen for the cornea. Oxygen from the atmosphere is dissolved within tears and is available for uptake by the corneal cells to support the normal aerobic metabolism of the corneal epithelium.

The tear contains at least three (3) anti-bacterial substances; lysozyme and lactoferrin that helps protect the ocular surface against infection. Among its protective function, it lubricates the lids and the corneal surface and also plays an important role in the healing of central wounds of the vascular cornea, providing a pathway for white blood cell from the corneal-conjunctival circulation to reach the central cornea (Albarran et al, 1997).

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