Project Research Work of GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING Department

Abstract This research project on marital conflict is aimed at scamming the issue of marital conflict on the...
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Abstract This study is aimed at identifying the possible needs for the establishment of counseling centers i...
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Abstract This study is aimed at identifying the effects of deviant behaviour on academic performances of sec...
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Abstract This study examined the social factors predisposing deviant behaviour as perceived by secondary sch...
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Abstract The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of guidance and counselling pro...
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Abstract This study focuses on the “Perception of premarital sex among students in higher education The ch...
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Abstract The study investigated influence of personal variables on knowledge and practice of family planning...
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Abstract This study was geared towards investigating the effects of cognitive restructuring, in enhancing m...
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Abstract The study was on the effect of cognitive restructuring and shaping techniques in reducing lateness...
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Abstract The study examined counsellors’ perception on the causes of divorce and its impact on adolescents...
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Abstract The study examines the causes and consequence of divorce among newly married couples in Ndokwa east...
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Abstract The overall purpose of this study was to examine the attitudes of student toward guidance and couns...
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Abstract This study investigated the academic performance of boarders and day students in Benin metropolis o...
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Abstract Dropping out of school has become a very common phenomenon so much that the rate of school dropout ...
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Abstract This study explores the impact of teenage pregnancy on academic performance among in-school adolesc...
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