Abstract This work examines the roles of ECOWAS and its achievements in the area of political insecurity in ...
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Abstract The research work; Traditional marriage system in Enyiogugu up to 21st century is centered on the s...
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Abstract Book Haram is a very controversial Nigeria militant group that seeks for the imposition of sharia ...
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Abstract This research work is aimed at revealing the osu caste system and it’s practices in Igboland, A c...
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Abstract The Life and Times of Major Chukwuma Kaduna Nzeogwu have been viewed with mixed feelings among mili...
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Abstract Africa, the least developed of continents, has in recent times become a hub of increasing geostrat...
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Abstract Existing narrative on globalization has mostly been couched in positive light; and even when some ...
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Abstract Bronze casting is an aspect of visual arts which has played a significance role in Benin culture. T...
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Abstract The internal security challenge of Nigeria has deteriorated over the last few years, as old securit...
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Abstract Igbo family is faced with the challenges of modernity evident in innovations and changes in patter...
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Abstract The purpose of my research is to examine the roles and contributions of nigeria in the development...
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Abstract Nigeria had overwhelmingly given both solicited and unsolicited supports to Africanneigbours: inter...
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Abstract Nigeria’s foreign policy under General Ibrahim Babangida was one in which Nigeria played active r...
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Abstract The demand for the reform of the United Nations is due to the evolving international system. The i...
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Abstract This study examined the mediatory role of Nigeria during the Liberia civil war. Findings revealed ...
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Abstract This study was carried out to provide better understanding of not just Nigeria?s foreign policy bu...
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Abstract Over the past several decades, the economies of the world have become greatly connected through int...
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Abstract The study traced the historical development of Nigeria-Chinese from 1999-2007 with emphasis on econ...
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Abstract Nigeria external relations with the outside world started a long time before she gained her autonom...
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Abstract The study examined the relationship between Nigeria and WORLD TRADE organization from 1999 – 201...
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Abstract This research work examines “Multinational Corporations and third world countries; Nigeria as a ...
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Abstract Nigeria is a multi-ethnic society which is made up of about 250 ethnic groups. The ethnic compositi...
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Abstract In comprehending the challenge that this study sets out to come in terms with, is a foreknowledge ...
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Abstract In comprehending the challenge that this study sets out to come in terms with, is a foreknowledge ...
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Abstract This Research work is centered mainly on the International Court of Justice?s adjudication process...
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Abstract This paper examines the impact and nexus between Foreign Policy and Nigeria?s Economic Development...
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Abstract Nigeria has a long history of the violation of human rights. its commonly believed that human rig...
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Abstract Nigeria had embarked on different policies and programs for her development since independence. Th...
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Abstract The main focus of this research work is to examine the impact of Globalisation on Youth Unemployme...
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Abstract It is widely reported that gender inequality has been and continuously remains an endemic to the gr...
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Abstract Foreignanddomesticpolicyissuesarerelatedproductsofthesame politicalsystem and aredesigned todefinea...
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Abstract This research work was undertaken to examine the role of community policing in controlling Cross B...
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Abstract This paper examined trends in the United States-Africa relations in the Post-Cold War era and also...
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Abstract This research work centers on investigating the factors responsible for Chieftaincy and Kingship t...
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Abstract Abstract ThisstudyexaminedBokoHaram insurgencyandnationalsecurity,2002- 2017.Thestudywasnecessita...
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Abstract Gambia, which is the smallest country in mainland Africa, has been confronted with countless chall...
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Abstract Multinational corporations are large companies with their headquarters in the home countrythe coun...
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Abstract The subject matter of this project report deals with the assessment of the place of Major Emmanuel...
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Abstract This study examines Nigeria‘s relationship with her immediate neighbours of Cameroon, Chad, Repu...
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Abstract The main focus of this research work is to examine an appraisal of Nigeria-China political and Eco...
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Abstract Any historical study on Ekwe society, without credible attention first to the earliest period of Ek...
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Abstract This research focuses on the history of Agbogugu from the earliest times to 2000. It examines the u...
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Abstract This study was carried out to assess the the osu caste system in Igbo land, Nigeria. Specifically, ...
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