Project Research Work of SOCIOLOGY Department

Abstract Women empowerment is all encompassing, so this work will want to narrow it to the subject of women...
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Abstract This study examines the essence of effective inventories control and management to manufacturing c...
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Abstract This study was carried out to examine the Role of Women in Community Development in Izzi Local Gov...
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Abstract In totality the project is concerning the problem encountered by social workers in social work prac...
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Abstract Juvenile delinquency is seen as one of the menace that destroys life and property in our society t...
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Abstract Juvenile delinquency is seen as one of the menace that destroys life and property in our society t...
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Abstract Consequent upon titanic competition that has beclouded business environment of all sorts, organiza...
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Abstract Pornographic materials are the representation of erotic behaviors in books, pictures, statues, moti...
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Abstract There is a general feeling of insecurity among the population in Borno state. The terrorizing effec...
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Abstract The issue of gender inequality is one which has been publicly reverberating through society for dec...
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Abstract Abortion is a wide issue and the major concern in most of the discussion on abortion draws heavily...
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Abstract Abortion is a wide issue and the major concern in most of the discussion on abortion draws heavily...
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Abstract This project analysed the contributions of women organisations in the community development in mba...
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Abstract Over the years, Ideato North Local Government Area of Imo state has been experiencing a slow rate ...
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Abstract Marital infidelity is one of the factors militating against marriage and family which are two inst...
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Abstract Every society has its norms and values about sex in marital relationship. Infidelity in marriage is...
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Abstract The problem of childlessness which is majorly caused by sickness, diseases and infertility in Awgu ...
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Abstract The problem of childlessness which is majorly caused by sickness, diseases and infertility in Awgu ...
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Abstract This study is based on the influence of gender on employment opportunities for women (A study of En...
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Abstract While some university authorities argue that mode of dress is an important factor in determining st...
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Abstract The role of leadership is very important and it can have effect on the ecology of organization, bus...
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Abstract This research was conducted to examine security awareness of people living in Enugu North L.G.A. Th...
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Abstract This study examined gender dimension in the use of family planning services in Awka South L.G.A, An...
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Abstract The study sought to determine the extent of utilization of information and communication technolog...
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Abstract The verity that capital formation is a key to economic development is incontrovertible. Yet capital...
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Abstract Airline reservation and ticketing in a commercial airline company is a project work aimed at creat...
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Abstract The rising wave of incidence of commercial sex work has given serious concern to the government, p...
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Abstract This research work was carried out in order to find out the roles played by community based organis...
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Abstract The main objective of this study was to establish factors contributing to Commercial Sexual Exploi...
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Abstract Applying the values construct in the social sciences has suffered from the absence of an agreed-upo...
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