Abstract This study employed an economic method to analyze the impact of foreign direct investment to the gr...
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Abstract The influence of strike action on employee?s performance and productivity. Strike generally could ...
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Abstract In every organization effective personnel management practice is very relevant and cannot be over e...
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Abstract The aim of this research work is to appraise “The impact of credit management on the profitabili...
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Abstract The research topic of this study is the impact of change management in Nigerian Banking Industry, ...
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Abstract This project work was carried out to determine the role of management in motivating workers in ban...
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Abstract This research work on “Performance evaluation and its effect on personnel effectiveness” is ver...
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Abstract This research focuses on Manpower Planning and Development as an effective fool for Achieving Orig...
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Abstract This study was intended to examine if international trade has any impact on Nigeria’s economy gro...
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Abstract This research work attempted to evaluate the economic logic behind Nigeria’s government policy of...
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Abstract This paper investigates if there is a significant long – run relationship between cocoa exports a...
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